She Wore a Yellow Ribbon

Clean up the quarters after I'm gone.
Sell all this stuff and
put the money in the troop fund.

Give Mrs. Allshard my extra saddle.
It'll be easier on her disposition.
And the oil, sir?
Oil? Oh, yes.
The water bottle.
How did it ever get there, sir?
- Now, how do you suppose?
- How long have you known?

Since the second battle
of Bull Run, thickhead.

And you've been deceiving me
all these years.

Well, there's that!
I'd say my retirement was an occasion
for a drink. Help yourself.

No, I'd take no pleasure in it.
But if it's an order,
here's to your health.

Fourteen days left for me
and I'll be wearing one of them too.

It's the only one I ever owned.
I was in jeans and barefoot...
...when I left my daddy's farm
to join the Army.

Well, sergeant...
I haven't had a drink since that day,
but I'll have one to your retirement.

- No, sir, I'll do the honors for you.
- Thank you.

Half a minute,
till I get your blouse.

