The Heiress

- Good morning.
- Good morning.

- Here's the dress for Miss Sloper.
- Thank you.

Miss Cathy, it's your new dress!
Will you take it out of the box,
Maria, and hang it up?

Yes, Miss.
Well, that's all, I think.
- I'll be at the Harrisons'.
- Yes, Doctor.

I may not get to the clinic today
at all.

- Good morning, Lavinia.
- Good morning, Austin.

- Catherine's starting another?
- She embroiders beautifully.

I hope she doesn't let it become
a life's work.

Austin, yesterday
I had the most exciting experience!

- Oh?
- I met two people from Poughkeepsie.

Birth certificate. They had been
members of my husband's congregation.

When I told them I was stopping
with my brother,

Dr Sloper, 16 Washington Square,
they were so impressed.

It's just made my visit!
Lavinia, would you care
to spend the winter here?

The winter? Oh, gladly!
Good. I thought if you stayed on,
you might help Catherine.

Help her? But help her how, Austin?
For instance,
Elizabeth's party this evening,
