- Good morning.- Good morning.
- Here's the dress for Miss Sloper.- Thank you.
Miss Cathy, it's your new dress!
Will you take it out of the box,Maria, and hang it up?
Yes, Miss.
Well, that's all, I think.
- I'll be at the Harrisons'.- Yes, Doctor.
I may not get to the clinic todayat all.
- Good morning, Lavinia.- Good morning, Austin.
- Catherine's starting another?- She embroiders beautifully.
I hope she doesn't let it becomea life's work.
Austin, yesterdayI had the most exciting experience!
- Oh?- I met two people from Poughkeepsie.
Birth certificate. They had beenmembers of my husband's congregation.
When I told them I was stoppingwith my brother,
Dr Sloper, 16 Washington Square,they were so impressed.
It's just made my visit!
Lavinia, would you careto spend the winter here?
The winter? Oh, gladly!
Good. I thought if you stayed on,you might help Catherine.
Help her? But help her how, Austin?
For instance,Elizabeth's party this evening,