The Heiress

(music stops)
Very good.
(music resumes)
When we were boys,
Arthur was called Porridge Head.

Shall we sit down?
While I've been in Europe,
he's become
a promising young businessman.

And now, Miss Sloper,
I think it's time you said something.

Are you going to remain
in New York now, Mr Townsend?

What a delightful question.
Well, I haven't been at all sure
what I was going to do.

But right now, I've decided.
Yes, Miss Sloper,
I am going to remain in New York now.

Are you warm?
- Let me get you some claret cup.
- Oh, no!

Are you a member
of the Temperance League?

- Er, yes, I believe I am.
- Oh.

Well, I'm not.
Will you excuse me for a moment?

Oh, Mr Abeel,
I can't keep this up any longer!

I must rest.
Catherine, dear,
your old aunty is exhausted.

Finish this delightful polka, dear.
- Mr Abeel is an accomplished dancer.
- Well, I...

It would be a pleasure,
Miss Sloper.
