I was just walking around out there
talking to mine.
-That sounds funny to you?
Some might think so.
My old lady never had anything.
Always on the run, always on the move.
Some life.
First, it was my old man, died kicking
and screaming in a nut house...
then my brother,
and after that, it was taking care of me.
Always trying to put me on top.
"Top of the world," she used to say.
And then,
times when I'd be losing my grip...
there she'd be, right behind me...
pushing me back up again. And now...
Anyway, she quit running, Cody.
Yeah. Quit running.
That was a good feeling out there,
talking to her.
Just me and Ma.
A good feeling. I liked it.
Maybe I am nuts.
Let's go in and have a drink.
Tell you what, Vic. I've got an idea.
We'll pick up your wife
after the job tomorrow.
We'll all take a little trip.
Just the four of us.
No kidding, Cody. That sounds great.
You mean that, honey?
We could have fun. Live big.
Money's just paper if you don't spend it.
-That's an idea.
-It's a good idea.
Europe, maybe. Paris.
Rubbing shoulders with the best of them.
How do you do, Countess?
Sable coats,
jewels just dripping from my fingers.
I'd knock their eyes out, Cody.
You'd be real proud of me.
Don't go flipping your lid.
He ain't thought of a vacation
in years, Vic. Don't let him forget it.
Here's to us, top of the world.