White Heat

How's the radio coming, Verna?
-A crystal set would play better.

Maybe I could fix it for you.
I wish you would, Vic.
I'm dead without music.

We'll get a new one.
I don't mind fixing it, Cody.
Keep me busy. I can't sleep anyhow.

Anything you say, kid.
-I was just gonna throw it away.
-I'm not making any promises.

We better hit the hay, Duchess.
We got a heavy day tomorrow.

-See you in the morning.

Grab the brass ring.
What are you doing? We're on our way.
You've got to have a chain on the ground,
get rid of electricity.

That's only when you got
gasoline or chemicals inside.

You want to have some traffic cop
think you got a load of something else?

That's using your head, kid.
All right, snap it up.

You all know what you're to do...
and you know where the rendezvous is.
We're to pick up our driver there at 5:00...
and we'll be at the plant
right after the day shift has checked off.

Now, Vic and Tommy, we go in the truck.
The rest of you go
with Verna in the sedan.

Baby, don't get picked up for speeding.
