We'd better let Mrs Brown
pick up the wardrobe.
- Hello.
- We are ready with your call to Beverly Hills.
- Call? What call?
- Is this Templeton 89970? Miss Channing?
Yes, it is, but I don't understand.
We are ready with the call you placedfor
12 midnight, California time, to Mr Sampson.
- I placed?
- Go ahead, please.
Margo, what a wonderful surprise.
What a thoughtful, ever-Iovin' thing to do.
Bill. Have I gone crazy, Bill?
- You're my girl, aren'tyou?
- That I am.
Then you're crazy.
- When are you coming back?
- I leave in a week.
The picture's wrapped up.
We previewed last night.
Oh, those previews.
Like opening out of town, but terrifying.
There's nothing you can do.
You're trapped. You're in a tin can.
In a tin can, cellophane or wrapped
in a Navajo blanket, I wantyou home.
- You in a hurry?
- In a big hurry, so be quick about it.
Goodbye, darling. Sleep tight.
Hey, wait a minute.
You haven't even said ityet.
Now, Bill. You know how much I do,
but over a phone...
Now, really. That's kids' stuff.
Kids' stuff or not. It doesn't happen
every day and I wanna hear it.
- And if you won't say it, you can sing it.
- Sing it?
Sure, like the Western Union boys used to do.