What a thoughtful, ever-Iovin' thing to do.
Bill. Have I gone crazy, Bill?
- You're my girl, aren'tyou?
- That I am.
Then you're crazy.
- When are you coming back?
- I leave in a week.
The picture's wrapped up.
We previewed last night.
Oh, those previews.
Like opening out of town, but terrifying.
There's nothing you can do.
You're trapped. You're in a tin can.
In a tin can, cellophane or wrapped
in a Navajo blanket, I wantyou home.
- You in a hurry?
- In a big hurry, so be quick about it.
Goodbye, darling. Sleep tight.
Hey, wait a minute.
You haven't even said ityet.
Now, Bill. You know how much I do,
but over a phone...
Now, really. That's kids' stuff.
Kids' stuff or not. It doesn't happen
every day and I wanna hear it.
- And if you won't say it, you can sing it.
- Sing it?
Sure, like the Western Union boys used to do.
It's your birthday.
And who remembered it?
Who was there on the dot at12 midnight?
Happy birthday, darling.
The reading could've been better,
but you said it.
Now "many happy returns of the day".
Many happy returns of the day.
- I get a party, don't I?
- Of course. Birthday and coming home.
- Who will I ask?
- I know all about the party. Eve wrote me.
- She did?
- She hasn't missed a week since I left.
But you know that.
You probably tell her what to write.
- I sent her a list of guests, so check with her.
- Yeah, I will.
- How is Eve? OK?
- OK.
- I love you.
- I'll check with Eve.
I love you too. Good night, darling.
See ya.