Halls of Montezuma

To a Jap.
You're a liar!
A liar!

Read it yourself.
Ain't no one
in this family

ever been any good.
You keep your mouth
shut about this,

or they'll ride us
out of town

on a 2x4.
They can't. They won't.
I won't let 'em!

I ain't gonna
be a nobody.

Someday, I'm gonna be
the biggest man
around here.

I'll have my own gang.
They'll do whatever
I tell 'em.

Anybody dare talk
about me or my sister,

and they'll cut
his tongue out.

I gotta learn how
to do things smart.

Gotta learn.
Gotta learn with this.
Brother, did I learn.
Don't you say
I'm gonna be a nobody.

Don't you ever
say it again.

Man: Cut the gab,
will you?

Think you're big.
Get down!
I want my Luger!
Get my Luger!
