I gotta learn how
to do things smart.
Gotta learn.
Gotta learn with this.
Brother, did I learn.
Don't you say
I'm gonna be a nobody.
Don't you ever
say it again.
Man: Cut the gab,
will you?
Think you're big.
Get down!
I want my Luger!
Get my Luger!
Why don't you leave
the kid alone?
He gets on my nerves.
Big talk. Big wind.
He saved my life.
His life's
worth saving, too.
Pretends he's something
he's not.
I know that.
You all know that.
What you don't know
is why.
It's because
he hates what he is.
How you doing, kid?
Oh, look, now,
I didn't mean
to hit you like that,
but I can't
let you get killed.
I need you, Pretty Boy.
You're my manager.
I want my Luger.
I'll get it for you
in the morning, okay?
Oh, leave me alone.