Hello, Brub.
I can imagine a reunion
under better circumstances.
I just talked to Sylvia.
That's my wife.
She wants you to come
to dinner tomorrow night.
That's swell. And she said
to bring someone, if you like.
Well, maybe I will. But I won't know
till tomorrow, along about noon.
Why didn't he dump her
100 feet f urther up the canyon?
-What difference does it make?
-lt'd be L.A.P.D.'s territory, not ours.
We know she was dumped
f rom a moving car.
No clues, motives or suspects.
Present company ex cepted.
What about Henry?
Who? Kesler?
Well, after she called him
and broke a date, he went to bed.
His mother brought him pie,
his f ather heard him snore.
First thing in the morning, he came
to the station. He was upset.
Substantial type,
eats pie bef ore going to sleep.
You and Lochner don't see
enough whodunits.
We solve every murder
in less than two hours.
-You know who did it f rom the start.
-You want me to help you?
-I wish somebody would.
You have to have enough imagination
to visualize the crime. Here, get up.
Put this chair here.
This one here.
Brub, you sit down there.
Sylvia, you sit there on Brub's right.
You're the killer. You're driving
the car. This is the f ront seat.
What makes you sure this murder
was done in a car?
If she was already dead,
he'd have put her body in the back.