Los Olvidados

We couldn't get
the proof of his guilt.

But since you can't
educate him properly,

we send him
to the farm-school.

We need your authorization.
- As you want.
- Sign here.

- I can't write.
- Draw a cross.

I suppose you wish
to meet him?

No... what for?
We should punish
the parents

for the way they
raise their children.

Deprived of affection,
they look for it anywhere.

I work all day long
so we can eat.

You don't love your son?
Why should I love him? I don't
even know who his father is.

That's OK...
but go and see him.

- Lead her.
- Follow me.

What has he done?
I don't know.
The judge told me to see you.
You don't talk?
You'll be sent
to the farm-school.

I don't want to go.
I've done nothing.

You're the one who
had me locked up.

Listen, my son...
"My son"?!
I came home just to see you,
you bring me here,

and now, you feel sorry for me!
It's your fault.

But you have... stolen the knife.
I stole nothing! I've told it
constantly to the judge.

Why would I lie?
Who is it , then?
