Los Olvidados

What has he done?
I don't know.
The judge told me to see you.
You don't talk?
You'll be sent
to the farm-school.

I don't want to go.
I've done nothing.

You're the one who
had me locked up.

Listen, my son...
"My son"?!
I came home just to see you,
you bring me here,

and now, you feel sorry for me!
It's your fault.

But you have... stolen the knife.
I stole nothing! I've told it
constantly to the judge.

Why would I lie?
Who is it , then?
The cops have to find him.
That's their job.

They've sent you
to make me talk?

Yes, that's why you're here.
Why don't you beat me?
You've brought me here.
Don't play the good mum.

I believe you, my darling.
Now, you remember
I'm your darling.

I want to go!
I've stolen nothing! Mum!
