Rio Grande

Come on, get him up!
Put some water on him!

You"re winning boy.
Just Iike a mountain Iion.

You"re doing reaI good, Jeff, boy.
But don"t forget to keep your Ieft up!

Keep your Ieft in his face, Jeff.
You"re doing good.

You"II get busted for this, Quincannon.
You"re doing aII right, sonny,
but use that right.

Keep throwing that right in there!
Right jab, hit him with the right!

It"s a IoveIy fight, Himes,
but watch them fouIs.

None of that, none of that, see?
And when you come out of the cIinching,
none of that.

WeII, Quincannon, taIk fast.
-SoIdiers fight, sir.
-What caused it?

I refuse to answer, sir.
RespectfuIIy, sir.

-I refuse to answer, sir.

-No, sir.

SoIdiers fight, eh?
Carry on!
You heard what the CoroneI said.
Carry on with the fight.

Thanks, Himes.
-I"m sorry, soIdier.
-I apoIogize.

Now, sonny,
Iet me have a Iook at that eye.

You"re going to be aII right.
