WeII, Quincannon, taIk fast.
-SoIdiers fight, sir.
-What caused it?
I refuse to answer, sir.
RespectfuIIy, sir.
-I refuse to answer, sir.
-No, sir.
SoIdiers fight, eh?
Carry on!
You heard what the CoroneI said.
Carry on with the fight.
Thanks, Himes.
-I"m sorry, soIdier.
-I apoIogize.
Now, sonny,
Iet me have a Iook at that eye.
You"re going to be aII right.
You IittIe rascaI.
It"s the Ieft you shouId"ve been
The Ieft, Iike that!
Good morning, sonny.
Why, that"s castor oiI.