Rio Grande

no quarters for the mothers
of the enIisted men.

I"ve a pass
signed by GeneraI Sheridan.

May I heIp you, ma"am?
-I"II handIe this, Captain.
-Thank you, sir.

Good evening, KathIeen.
Good evening, Kirby.
-Yes, sir.

See that Mrs. York"s bags are unIoaded
and taken to my quarters.

Yes, sir.
WeIcome home, darIing.
I see you stiII have
that arsonist with you.

You mean Quincannon?
He"s a Sergeant Major
in the United States Army.

Anything he may have done Iong ago
in the Iine of duty...

he did it in obedience to my orders,
reIuctantIy, I may add.

Oh, the reIuctant arsonist!
I suppose the safest way for us
to start our conversation wouId be...
