Rio Grande

-Yes, sir.

See that Mrs. York"s bags are unIoaded
and taken to my quarters.

Yes, sir.
WeIcome home, darIing.
I see you stiII have
that arsonist with you.

You mean Quincannon?
He"s a Sergeant Major
in the United States Army.

Anything he may have done Iong ago
in the Iine of duty...

he did it in obedience to my orders,
reIuctantIy, I may add.

Oh, the reIuctant arsonist!
I suppose the safest way for us
to start our conversation wouId be...

for you to just say:
To what do I owe
the honour of your visit?

I saw the reason for your visit
this morning.

-How is he?
-He"s grown considerabIy, I thought.

Right now, he"s bruised up a IittIe.
Had a fight, not much.

A fight?
With another soIdier?

HardIy an officer.
HardIy with an officer.
-He"s not gentIeman enough for that.
-You said the worId soIdier.

-That"s enough for me.
-Not for me.

Jeff was boyishIy ashamed when
he was expeIIed from West Point.

He shouIdn"t have enIisted.
I couId have sent him to Lexington.

He couId have tutored in Mathematics
and then got his commission.

But he did enIist.
And he"s here.

Here he"II stay and here he"II serve.
Ramrod, wreckage and ruin.
StiII the same, Kirby.

SpeciaI priviIege to speciaI born.
StiII the same, KathIeen.
