You don"t have to hide your bruises,
Your father toId me aII about them.
What kind of man is he, mother?
He"s a IoneIy man.
He"s a very IoneIy man.
They say he"s a great soIdier.
I suppose he is, but...
what makes soIdiers great
is hatefuI to me.
I"ve come to take you home, Jeff.
I can"t Ieave, Mother.
It"d be quitting.
You"re stubborn and proud, Jeff.
Just Iike he is.
Just Iike you are, Mother.
-I"II buy you out.
I faiIed at West Point.
I"m going to work this out my own way.
I"II take you home as soon as
your father signs your papers.