I suppose he is, but...
what makes soIdiers great
is hatefuI to me.
I"ve come to take you home, Jeff.
I can"t Ieave, Mother.
It"d be quitting.
You"re stubborn and proud, Jeff.
Just Iike he is.
Just Iike you are, Mother.
-I"II buy you out.
I faiIed at West Point.
I"m going to work this out my own way.
I"II take you home as soon as
your father signs your papers.
Maybe they didn"t teII you, Mother...
but the appIication requires
my signature, too.
I refuse to sign it.
I"d Iike to...
Oh, them bIasted coyotes!
What coyotes, sir?
Them ain"t coyotes, sir.
How Iong have you been out West?
Long enough to know a coyote
when I ear it, sir.
Watch it!