Paradise for criminals
Doesn't it frighten you, madam?
Don't worry, I'm not his wife
No, And I'm not ''madam''
Oh, I beg your pardon
It doesn't matter to me
Your relationship is your affair
In other words
disrespect the privacy of people
I can get highly indignant
The recent trend is toward exposure
of private lives
The public enjoys seeing people ruined
What's the world coming to?
Right and wrong used to be opposite
Today they're one in the same
Who can tell what's right or wrong?
During fifty years of life
I've never seen a more confused era
Oh, yes, Mr. Aoye
Your attack on that publisher
was great news
It may have been ill-advised
But ill-advised acts can be a godsend
Who wants to be normal all the time?
These confused times
we live in
Make indiscrimination
a very important factor
Involving a delicate balance
Take law, for instance
What if the publisher sues you
for assault?
Even scum know the law
You're in danger
Do you have a physician?