I've never seen a more confused era
Oh, yes, Mr. Aoye
Your attack on that publisher
was great news
It may have been ill-advised
But ill-advised acts can be a godsend
Who wants to be normal all the time?
These confused times
we live in
Make indiscrimination
a very important factor
Involving a delicate balance
Take law, for instance
What if the publisher sues you
for assault?
Even scum know the law
You're in danger
Do you have a physician?
Most people have a family doctor
But few have lawyers
they regularly consult
Japan has only five lawyers
A while America has 170,000
Only when in legal trouble
do Japanese seek counsel
This may sound strange
But a lawyer
makes the worst kind of scoundrel
What is it you want?
Yes, sorry
Not at all
My briefcase...
Near the door
I noticed that
you plan to sue the publisher, right?
That is correct
Fifteen years ago a man was jailed
for urinating in public