So Max got that old bus down
off its blocks and polished it up.
She'd take me for rides
in the hills above Sunset.
The whole thing was upholstered
in leopard skin...
and had one of those car phones,
all gold-plated.
- That's a dreadful shirt.
- What's wrong with it?
Nothing, if you work
in the filling station.
And I'm getting rather bored with
that sport jacket and same baggy pants.
Max, what's a good men's shop?
The very best? Well, go there.
I don't need clothes, and I don't
want you buying them for me.
Why begrudge me a little fun?
I just want you to look nice.
And must you chew gum?
Ah, there's nothing like
blue flannel for a man.
This one, single-breasted,
of course.
Now we need a topcoat. Let me see
what you have in camel's hair.
- How about some evening clothes?
- I don't need a tuxedo.
You do. A tuxedo and tails, and
if you aren't careful, a cutaway.
Tails! That's ridiculous.
You need them for parties.
You need them for New Year's Eve.
- Where are your evening clothes?
- This way, Madame.
Here are some camel's hair,
but I'd like you just to feel this.
It's vicuna. Of course,
it's a little more expensive.
The camel's hair will do.
Well, as long as the lady's paying
for it, why not take the vicuna?
The last week in December,
the rains came.
A great big package of rain--
oversized, like everything else
in California.
It came right through the old roof
of my room above the garage.