Sunset Blvd.

- How about some evening clothes?
- I don't need a tuxedo.

You do. A tuxedo and tails, and
if you aren't careful, a cutaway.

Tails! That's ridiculous.
You need them for parties.
You need them for New Year's Eve.

- Where are your evening clothes?
- This way, Madame.

Here are some camel's hair,
but I'd like you just to feel this.

It's vicuna. Of course,
it's a little more expensive.

The camel's hair will do.
Well, as long as the lady's paying
for it, why not take the vicuna?

The last week in December,
the rains came.

A great big package of rain--
oversized, like everything else
in California.

It came right through the old roof
of my room above the garage.

She had Max move me
to the main house.

I didn't much like the idea.
The only time I could have
to myself was in that room.

But it was better than sleeping
in a raincoat and galoshes.

Whose room was this?
It was the room of the husband.
Of the husbands, I should say.
Madame has been married
three times.
