"Sunset Boulevard" was
an interesting challenge for Edith Head.
He was hard at work in Bel Air,
making with the golf sticks.
She and Billy Wilder
and Gloria Swanson got together
and came up with a particular concept
for the clothes.
You need $300? Of course I could
give you $300, only I'm not going to.
They did not want to have Swanson
wearing 1920s styles.
- No?
- I'm not just your agent.
She was living in a 1920s-type house
- It's not the 10%. I'm your friend.
- You are?
that had never been remodelled
since Norma Desmond's glory days.
The finest things have been
written on an empty stomach.
But the basic lines of the clothes
were the New Look
Once your talent gets into that
Mocambo-Romanoff rut, you're through.
that Dior introduced in 1947.
Forget that! It's a car I'm talking
about. Losing it is like losing my legs.
And how they brought Norma Desmond
into this was just to exaggerate more.
Greatest thing that could happen.
Now you'll have to sit down and write.
One of the problems was that the
New Look accentuated waistlines a lot.
What do you think I've been doing?
I need $300.
Sweetheart, maybe what
you need is another agent.
The ideal at that time was to have
a very tight waist and a very full skirt.
Gloria Swanson,
though she was still quite thin,
her waist was not as trim as it had been,
and she did not wear a waist-cincher.
As I drove back towards town,
I took inventory of my prospects.
There just aren't any faces like that
any more.
Maybe one. Garbo.
They now added up to exactly zero.
I just didn't have what it takes.
Those idiot producers... those imbeciles!
The time had come to wrap up
the Hollywood deal and go home.
Haven't they got any eyes? Have they
forgotten what a star looks like?
Maybe if I hocked all my junk, there'd
be enough for a ticket back to Ohio,
I'll show them.
I'll be up there again, so help me!
Edith's dress around the studio
was always very conservative.
to that $35-a-week job at the copy
desk of the "Dayton Evening Post",
Some of the other lady designers would
wear fabulously glamorous clothes.
if it was still open, back
to the smirking delight of the office.
Edith was brilliant
about packaging herself,
All right, why don't you
take a crack at Hollywood?
Maybe you think you could...
and realised early on
that she was not a glamour girl.
So she had that well-dressed
school-marm look.
No matter when you see
pictures of Edith, she's maintained it.
You always know exactly who it is.
She generally wore black and white
or beige and brown.
Once in a while she might wear red.
She always wore white gloves
when she was at Paramount.
And she generally wore dark glasses.
This wasn't unusual
in the '30s and '40s,
when most movies
were in black and white.