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I deliver perfection...and don't brag about it! :D
The theme of "Sunset Boulevard" issimply how corrupt Hollywood can be,
how heartless it may be, how peoplewill do anything to get ahead there,
even if it means sleepingwith a demented has-been.
It's a story of Hollywood.
The original opening was differentthan the one we see in the film.
What it waswas the LA County Morgue
with a bunch of dead bodiesunder sheets with toe tags on them.
Holden is wheeled inand he's placed there,
and conversations begin to occurbetween the corpses.
They took the film out to show itto audiences to get a reaction,
and there was laughter.
Wilder described to me exactlywhat happened with the audience.
The detail that got the audienceroaring with laughter,
and just killing the intended mood,
was two characters in the morgueare talking to each other.
It got worse.
It was supposed to be kind of funny.They thought it was hysterical.
It's not like that when you read it.But in visualising it, it does.
So they said, "My God!" andcompletely changed the opening.
The beginning of the film, we seepolice cars driving into a driveway,
and, as if out of nowhere, we see acorpse floating in the swimming pool.
But we see it from a peculiar angle,from down in the pool,
looking up at the dead body withblood trickling out of its chest.
It was difficult to shoot and Wilderis presenting the shot as an image.
Difficult to film.
They didn't knowhow to film an underwater set-up,