Young Man with a Horn

- Good. Can we get a drink?
- Yeah.

You know what?
This New York's a big town.

Oh, come on, Jo. Stop worrying.
Rick's a grown boy. If he gets lost,
he knows enough to go to a police station.

That mother instinct comes out
in me at the most unlikely times.

You know, I think we've been stood up.
He hasn't changed a bit.
I'm glad about your new job.
Goes to show you, if you work hard
and have friends in high places...

Yes, it was swell of Rick to get
me in Morrison's band.

We'd better get home before they
throw a tablecloth over us.

It's no use kidding ourselves,
Rick won't be here.

He hasn't been here in a long time.
You see, Smoke, he has changed.
Who is she?
A friend of mine.
And I introduced them.
Boy, this is the closest I've
ever been to a college.

Is that why you insisted
we stop by here?

Maybe. Maybe it's
because I want to know...

...where you spend your time
when you're not with me.

Hey, it's pretty impressive.
Maybe I could smuggle you
into class with me.

I bet they'd toss a mug like
me right down those steps.

There's certainly plenty of them.
I think we'd better rest up
before descending the Alps.

Mustn't keep you out too late. You've
got a 9:15 class in the morning, doctor.

Please don't call me "doctor" anymore.
I've got my reasons for hating it.

Well, I won't, then, but...
Well, psychiatrists
are doctors, aren't they?

Why do you want to be one?
Maybe because my father's a doctor.
That makes sense, I guess.
No, it doesn't.
You see, I have no use for my father.
He's very well thought of in the profession,
as thoughts go in the profession.
