Young Man with a Horn

Boy, this is the closest I've
ever been to a college.

Is that why you insisted
we stop by here?

Maybe. Maybe it's
because I want to know...

...where you spend your time
when you're not with me.

Hey, it's pretty impressive.
Maybe I could smuggle you
into class with me.

I bet they'd toss a mug like
me right down those steps.

There's certainly plenty of them.
I think we'd better rest up
before descending the Alps.

Mustn't keep you out too late. You've
got a 9:15 class in the morning, doctor.

Please don't call me "doctor" anymore.
I've got my reasons for hating it.

Well, I won't, then, but...
Well, psychiatrists
are doctors, aren't they?

Why do you want to be one?
Maybe because my father's a doctor.
That makes sense, I guess.
No, it doesn't.
You see, I have no use for my father.
He's very well thought of in the profession,
as thoughts go in the profession.

My mother was something else again.
Something pretty wonderful.
I used to go to pieces when she told
me my handwriting was improving.

I thought so highly of that lady.
I can hardly remember my mother.
She died when I was a kid.
Yes, but you see, you've got
something to take her place.

My mother, when I was 12, started having
headaches that nearly drove her mad.

My father, who was a doctor,
gave her aspirins for them.

When it was too late, he stumbled on
the idea that it was a brain tumor.

But he never did anything about it.
One night, that lovely lady
didn't want any more of it.

She fell out of a window.
Only four stories, but it did the trick.
Gee, I'm... I'm sorry.
Thanks. You're very kind.
Anyway, I've been in one school
or another ever since...

...memorizing all the wrong answers.
He pays the bills, but I don't see
him any oftener than I have to.
