You're winning them over
with your boyish charm.
They'll let us announce it when I
come home from school at Christmas.
- At Christmas? Let's run away.
- Run away?
- Right now.
- But we don't have to.
Not the way things are going.
Mother will want a big wedding.
I've always dreamed of having one as
long as I can remember. All girls do.
Now don't start getting moody again!
Come on, you change
and I'll meet you on the terrace.
- Any identification on the girl?
- Yeah, this employment card.
From the Eastman Industries.
Alice Tripp or something.
The man gave his name
as Gilbert Edwards?
You can drag that lake,
you won't find him.
- How do you figure that, Bear Bait?
- I figure he left here in an auto.
When I went up to my cabin
around suppertime,
there was a Coupé
parked in the woods up there.
About nine o'clock,
somebody started up that auto
and drove off awfully fast.
- Hi.
- Hello.
George, where you been? Got another
woman stashed around someplace?
- You've been gone so long.
- Can't we be alone somewhere?
- We could take the speedboat.
- Yeah.
So they wanna be alone. We can't
have that. Come on, Lazy Bones!