A Place in the Sun

The man gave his name
as Gilbert Edwards?

You can drag that lake,
you won't find him.

- How do you figure that, Bear Bait?
- I figure he left here in an auto.

When I went up to my cabin
around suppertime,

there was a Coupé
parked in the woods up there.

About nine o'clock,
somebody started up that auto
and drove off awfully fast.

- Hi.
- Hello.

George, where you been? Got another
woman stashed around someplace?

- You've been gone so long.
- Can't we be alone somewhere?

- We could take the speedboat.
- Yeah.

So they wanna be alone. We can't
have that. Come on, Lazy Bones!

How about some company?
Come on, everybody!

- There's no room for you!
- We'll fix that.

District Attorney Frank Marlowe's
officers investigate further.

An hour ago,
the coroner informed the press

that although the girl's death
was caused by drowning,

bruises would indicate
that a struggle took place.

The District Attorney has evidence
that the girl's male companion
may still be alive.

Three Boy Scouts have reported
that a young man, visibly upset...
