There's a wealth
of happiness and romance
ln the golden afternoon
All in
the golden afternoon
The golden
You can learn
a lot ofthings
From the flowers
For especially
in the month of June
There's a wealth
of happiness
And romance
[Voice breaks]
All in
the golden afternoon
Oh, that was lovely!
Thank you,
my dear.
What garden
are you from?
I don't come
from any garden.
Maybe she's
a wildflower!
I'm not a wildflower.
What specie or genus
are you, my dear?
I suppose you'd call
me a genus humanus Alice.
Ever see an Alice with
a blossom like that?
Did you ever
see an Alice?
Did you notice
her petals?
What a peculiar
And no fragrance.
Just look
at those stems!
Rather scrawny,
I'd say.