All in
the golden afternoon
Oh, that was lovely!
Thank you,
my dear.
What garden
are you from?
I don't come
from any garden.
Maybe she's
a wildflower!
I'm not a wildflower.
What specie or genus
are you, my dear?
I suppose you'd call
me a genus humanus Alice.
Ever see an Alice with
a blossom like that?
Did you ever
see an Alice?
Did you notice
her petals?
What a peculiar
And no fragrance.
Just look
at those stems!
Rather scrawny,
I'd say.
I think
she's pretty.
Quiet, Bud.
I'm not a flower!
Just as I suspected!
She's nothing
but a common mobile vulgaris.
Oh, no!
Oh, no!
A common what?
To be blunt--
a weed!
I'm not a weed!
She wouldn't admit it.
Can you imagine?
Don't go to seed here!
Go on, now!
We don't want weeds
in our bed!
Move along!
Arf!. Arf!. Arf!.
All right,
if that's how you feel.
If l were
my right size,
I could pick
each of you!
teach you.
Ha ha ha ha!
You can learn a lot
from the flowers.
Hmph! They could learn
a lot about manners.