Let me do the work. Just supply the finger.
Officer. Officer.
Mrs. Farragut.
Are those people still bothering you?
Worse than ever, Officer.
Why haven't you given me protection?
But I have 12 men guarding you,
one of them my own brother.
I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to offend you.
Atom bombs, that's what they're
making, those foreigners next door.
And they blow this atomic vapor
right through the wall at me.
And they have a man watching me, from
the top of the Empire State Building...
with radar.
- Well, that man we have covered.
- Does the President know about this?
I talked to him just an hour ago.
I'll tell you what. I'm going to double
the guard around you.
Thank you.
You couldn't come yourself, could you?
Well, no, I've got to keep in touch
with the President.
Well, of course. Goodbye.
Thank you so very much, thank you.
- It's all right.
- Thank you.
And every year, she sends me
tickets to the flower show.
Okay, girlie, wash your hands. In there.
Right over there.
- A story in that?
- No, it's just a slob.
Murder, they got me down for Sunday
again. What am I, a Sunday detective?
My kids will grow up
and won't even know me.
There isn't any lock on the door.
Just wash your hands, girlie.
We're due, boys, it's too quiet around here.
We're overdue for a nice, juicy homicide.
Not till I'm off duty.
Can't you keep your big mouth shut?
21st Squad Detectives, Gallagher.
What can I do for you, sir?
My name is Sims. Endicott Sims.
I'm an attorney.
- I want to see the Lieutenant.
- What about?
I represent Karl Schneider.
Your office has a warrant out for him.
Schneider, that's McLeod's case.
You'll have to see him about it.
- I asked to see the Lieutenant.
- Just a minute.