- My name is Karl Schneider...
- My name is Karl Schneider.
I live in Oakdale, New Jersey.
Lieutenant, I want you to meet
Karl Schneider.
- He lives in Oakdale, New Jersey.
- You still here?
Dr. Schneider fascinates me.
Lieutenant, I'm leaving my client
in your hands. Is that understood?
You've made it clear.
Remember, Karl,
just your name and address.
Come on in, Karl. Over there.
Your identifying witness. What's her name?
- Hatch?
- She's on her way over.
Good. Say, Lou, get some boys
for a line-up, will you?
- Right, Jim.
- How good a witness is she?
Will she stand up?
Schneider didn't cut her in
on his last job. She's plenty burned.
Besides, we got the Anderson girl
in the hospital.
- She's critical. No visitors.
- But she already identified Karl's photo.
Between the two of them,
it's a set-up for a signed confession.
- Good.
- I'll get it.
- How?
- Persuasion.
You keep your big mitts off.
- Jim? The Hatch dame's downstairs.
- Thanks.
- I'll bring her up, Lou.
- Right.
All right, Karl, pick your spot.
End, middle, any place you like.
No alibis later.
- Well, how are you, Miss Hatch?
- Just fine, thanks.
- What's the matter?
- Rushing the season, aren't you?
Dyed squirrel.
Looks real, though, doesn't it?
You know, it was nice of you
to come down as a witness.
We appreciate that.
Don't mention it. Well, let's get it
over with, huh? I got an engagement.
All right, Miss Hatch,
you just come with me.
You, too, Charley.
I don't want you to get lonesome.
Just stand in line here. Get your hat on.