- I'll bring her up, Lou.
- Right.
All right, Karl, pick your spot.
End, middle, any place you like.
No alibis later.
- Well, how are you, Miss Hatch?
- Just fine, thanks.
- What's the matter?
- Rushing the season, aren't you?
Dyed squirrel.
Looks real, though, doesn't it?
You know, it was nice of you
to come down as a witness.
We appreciate that.
Don't mention it. Well, let's get it
over with, huh? I got an engagement.
All right, Miss Hatch,
you just come with me.
You, too, Charley.
I don't want you to get lonesome.
Just stand in line here. Get your hat on.
All right, well, play it fair
in the car, huh? Okay.
All right, Miss Hatch.
Now, you know what to do.
Yes. I look them all over
and touch the shoulder of the right man.
That's the idea. Now, you just
take your time, Miss Hatch.
Go ahead, Miss Hatch.
Hats off, boys. Now, look at each one.
I never saw one of them before in my life.
You identified a photo of one of these men.
Say, what are you trying to do?
Make me give a wrong identification?
Well, I ain't going to do it.
The smell of this changed your mind,
didn't it?