All right, well, play it fair
in the car, huh? Okay.
All right, Miss Hatch.
Now, you know what to do.
Yes. I look them all over
and touch the shoulder of the right man.
That's the idea. Now, you just
take your time, Miss Hatch.
Go ahead, Miss Hatch.
Hats off, boys. Now, look at each one.
I never saw one of them before in my life.
You identified a photo of one of these men.
Say, what are you trying to do?
Make me give a wrong identification?
Well, I ain't going to do it.
The smell of this changed your mind,
didn't it?
You cops are all alike.
Give you a badge
and you try to push the world around.
Look, you identified one of these men
from a photo.
Now, point him out
or I'll throw you in the clink.
- You'll do what?
- That's enough.
All right, Miss Hatch, you earned
your fur-piece. I hope you enjoy it.
You can't talk to me like that. I'm no tramp.
- You never saw this face before?
- No! Never.
All right, get lost.
Take a couple of drop-dead pills.
Big cheese. I'll see my lawyer about you.
Get out of here.
All right. Thanks, fellows.
Hey, Lou, I thought she was going
to put the finger on you.
- This way, Charley.
- What a performance. Sarah Heartburn.
- May I go now?
- No. Sit down.
- There goes your case.
- A year's work.