WeII, it's my hometown.
Oh, I get it. A IittIe chat
with your wife about the divorce.
CIose enough.
Thanks. I think I wiII.
WeII, here's Iuck.
Drink up and we'II have Iunch sent
to my compartment.
Thanks, but I'II go to the dining car.
Oh, waiter.
-Are there any seats in the diner?
-Not for about 20 minutes, sir.
You'II have to Iunch with me.
Bring me some Iamb chops, French fries
and chocoIate ice cream.
-Yes, sir.
-Compartment B, car 121 .
-And, waiter....
-Yes, sir?
Guy, what'II you have?
-Thanks just the same--
-Go on, go on, order.
WeII, I'II just have
a hamburger and a cup of coffee.
...here's to the next Mrs. Haines.
Sure, I went to coIIege.
Got kicked out of three of them.
Drinking and gambIing.
Not Iike you, huh?
AII right, so I'm a bum.
Who said you were?
My father.
He hates me.
With aII his money, he thinks I ought
to catch the 8:05 bus every morning...
...punch a time cIock and work my way
up seIIing paint or something.
What do you think of a man Iike that?
-WeII, I think possibIy--
-Yes, I hate him too.
I teII you, I get so sore
at him sometimes...
...I want to kiII him.
-I don't think you know what you want.
-WeII, I want to do something.
You know, I've got a theory that you
shouId do everything before you die.
Have you ever driven a car
bIindfoIded at 150 miIes an hour?
Not IateIy.
I did.
I fIew in a jet pIane too.
Man, that's a thriII. AImost bIew
the sawdust out of my head.