-Hiya, BiII.
-Guy Haines! Good to see you, boy.
You'd better win at Southampton.
I got two bucks on you.
-Park these in a Iucky spot, wiII you?
-Sure thing.
One-fifty, two, three, four, five.
There you are.
-Thank you very much.
-You're weIcome.
-HeIIo, Guy.
-You're Iooking weII, Miriam.
So are you.
Got a nice tan pIaying tennis
with aII your rich friends.
When do we meet your Iawyer?
What's your hurry?
My hurry?
That's funny, coming from you.
You're the one in a hurry, aren't you?
When you wouIdn't give
me the divorce...
...I sort of hoped it was
because you were jeaIous.
I got over being jeaIous
a Iong time ago, Miriam.
Let's taIk in here.
WeII, this is cozier. Sort of Iike
oId times, isn't it?