Strangers on a Train

One-fifty, two, three, four, five.
There you are.

-Thank you very much.
-You're weIcome.

-HeIIo, Guy.
-You're Iooking weII, Miriam.

So are you.
Got a nice tan pIaying tennis
with aII your rich friends.

When do we meet your Iawyer?
What's your hurry?
My hurry?
That's funny, coming from you.

You're the one in a hurry, aren't you?
When you wouIdn't give
me the divorce...

...I sort of hoped it was
because you were jeaIous.

I got over being jeaIous
a Iong time ago, Miriam.

Let's taIk in here.
WeII, this is cozier. Sort of Iike
oId times, isn't it?

Oh, skip it, Miriam.
It's pretty Iate to start fIirting
with a discarded husband.

EspeciaIIy when you're going
to have another man's baby.

You know, I think you're
handsomer than ever.

Let's get this over with.
You bring the money?
Lawyers are expensive.

Here it is.
If I'd known what aII that tennis
nonsense of yours wouId Iead to...

...I wouIdn't have run out on you.
What are you trying to say, Miriam?
I'm not getting a divorce.
You IittIe doubIe-crosser!
I didn't want this divorce, you did.

You've been harping
about it aII year!

It's a woman's priviIege
to change her mind.

Now I can buy me
some pretty new cIothes.

I wouIdn't want you to be ashamed
of me in Washington...

...when we go to aII
those swanky parties.

-What do you mean by that?
-Don't Iook so mad.

You smiIe when your picture's
taken for the newspaper.
