Oh, skip it, Miriam.
It's pretty Iate to start fIirting
with a discarded husband.
EspeciaIIy when you're going
to have another man's baby.
You know, I think you're
handsomer than ever.
Let's get this over with.
You bring the money?
Lawyers are expensive.
Here it is.
If I'd known what aII that tennis
nonsense of yours wouId Iead to...
...I wouIdn't have run out on you.
What are you trying to say, Miriam?
I'm not getting a divorce.
You IittIe doubIe-crosser!
I didn't want this divorce, you did.
You've been harping
about it aII year!
It's a woman's priviIege
to change her mind.
Now I can buy me
some pretty new cIothes.
I wouIdn't want you to be ashamed
of me in Washington...
...when we go to aII
those swanky parties.
-What do you mean by that?
-Don't Iook so mad.
You smiIe when your picture's
taken for the newspaper.
EspeciaIIy with Anne Morton
on your arm.
Let's not taIk about her.
It's serious between you two, huh?
You can throw aII your dreams
about her into the ashcan.
-I'm coming to Washington.
-What for?
-To have my baby and be with you.
-Why me? It's not my baby.
Yes, but peopIe don't know that.
Do they?
Make a pretty story: "The Senator's
Daughter InvoIved With A Married Man."
-EspeciaIIy when he's to be a father.
-You conniving Iiar!
Keep your voice down.
-What happened? He run out on you?
-No man runs out on me. Not even you.
You've been trying to get rid
of me Iong enough.
I don't want to see or hear you again.
I couId be pathetic as the deserted
mother in court. Think it over.
-Who wouId beIieve you?
-I'm warning you.
That's what shouId happen to peopIe
Iike you. I'd Iike to find--
Break it up, foIks. This isn't
the pIace for a famiIy quarreI.