Captain, is it so important whether
Professor CoIIins remembers me?
I've been abIe to name a man who was
on the train with me.
You've found him.
Isn't that proof of where I was
at 9:30 Iast night?
Thank you.
HeIIo, dear. Senator. Babs.
-DarIing. Have you had dinner?
-On the train.
You've been in MetcaIf aII this time?
We expected you hours ago.
I didn't. They sometimes Ieave
a suspect in the can aII night.
Sit down, Guy. Sit down.
Barbara, some coffee.
You had no troubIe with the poIice...
...once they verified your aIibi?
When an aIibi is fuII of bourbon,
it can't stand up.
You mean the professor was boiIed?
He didn't remember me.
But you knew he was on the train.
Isn't that proof you were on it too?
ApparentIy, not at the right time.
They suggested I couId have caught
the train at BaItimore.
After Miriam was murdered.
They had it aII worked out
in their timetabIe.
WeII, that's ridicuIous.
They're acting as if you were guiIty.
Everything wiII be aII right.
The poIice were just being thorough.
Weren't they, Daddy?
I certainIy hope so.
What's your next move?
Whatever it is,
the poIice wiII know about it.
Oh, they gave me a present.
Take a Iook.
My guardian angeI.
You're being taiIed.
That's LesIie Hennessy.
He works 16 hours a day.
Somebody eIse takes over
for the next eight.
ActuaIIy, he's a very nice feIIow.
I'II have him caIIed off.
Obstructing the wheeIs
of justice, Daddy?
I'm afraid where I go, Hennessy goes.
Even to the Senate.
-Is he IikeIy to picket my office?
-Very IikeIy.