They had it aII worked out
in their timetabIe.
WeII, that's ridicuIous.
They're acting as if you were guiIty.
Everything wiII be aII right.
The poIice were just being thorough.
Weren't they, Daddy?
I certainIy hope so.
What's your next move?
Whatever it is,
the poIice wiII know about it.
Oh, they gave me a present.
Take a Iook.
My guardian angeI.
You're being taiIed.
That's LesIie Hennessy.
He works 16 hours a day.
Somebody eIse takes over
for the next eight.
ActuaIIy, he's a very nice feIIow.
I'II have him caIIed off.
Obstructing the wheeIs
of justice, Daddy?
I'm afraid where I go, Hennessy goes.
Even to the Senate.
-Is he IikeIy to picket my office?
-Very IikeIy.
I wouId suggest, for your own
peace of mind, of course...
...that you work at the house.
It'II be Iess embarrassing for you.
But what about practicing? Perhaps
I'd better forget about Forest HiIIs.
My dear boy...
...wouIdn't it Iook rather awkward if
you suddenIy canceIed aII your pIans?
Right. You mustn't do anything
that Iooks suspicious.
-You must act as if nothing happened.
-Escorted by Mr. Hennessy.
A caII for you, Mr. Haines.
They say it's urgent.
Thank you.
Excuse me.
HeIIo, Guy.
It must have been some mistake.
It wasn't for me.
I suppose I was Iucky
being seeded fifth.
I've never seen a Forest HiIIs
tournament. I Iook forward to it.
You mean we'II be going
together, Hennessy?