Who's the interesting Frenchman
with the DarviIIes?
His name's Antony.
He's not French.
How are you?
DeIightfuI to see you, Barbara.
How sweet you Iook.
I hope you won't forget
our party on Thursday, madame.
-We're pIanning on it.
-But of course.
This is my sister.
Barbara, this is Mr. Antony.
How do you do?
Is your name Miriam?
-Hi, Hennessy.
I won't keep you out Iate.
With Forest HiIIs tomorrow,
I've got to sIeep.
That's too bad.
Hammond wiII be on duty
in a coupIe of hours.
I'd Iike to see him earn his saIary.
Doesn't that bIoodhound ever reIax?
He sticks so cIose, he's beginning
to grow on me.
Like a fungus.
He thinks you're
a very suspicious character.
But then he doesn't trust anybody.
Not even himseIf.
Come on, Hennessy.
-Don't forget your sIeeping bag.
If I wait too Iong on a sidewaIk,
my feet get coId.
-If I sit too Iong on those steps my--
-Don't worry.
Since you toId Barbara about the
icebox, you're her favorite charity.
-She'II send a butIer to defrost you.
-Cute kid.