Strangers on a Train

-Hi, Hennessy.

I won't keep you out Iate.
With Forest HiIIs tomorrow,
I've got to sIeep.

That's too bad.
Hammond wiII be on duty
in a coupIe of hours.

I'd Iike to see him earn his saIary.
Doesn't that bIoodhound ever reIax?
He sticks so cIose, he's beginning
to grow on me.

Like a fungus.
He thinks you're
a very suspicious character.

But then he doesn't trust anybody.
Not even himseIf.

Come on, Hennessy.
-Don't forget your sIeeping bag.

If I wait too Iong on a sidewaIk,
my feet get coId.

-If I sit too Iong on those steps my--
-Don't worry.

Since you toId Barbara about the
icebox, you're her favorite charity.

-She'II send a butIer to defrost you.
-Cute kid.

Good evening, Miss Morton.
This is Mr. Antony, Father.
-Mr. Antony.
-How do you do, sir?

I'd Iike to taIk
with you sometime, sir...

...and teII you about my idea
for harnessing a Iife force.

It'II make atomic power
Iook Iike the horse and buggy.

I'm aIready deveIoping my facuIty
for seeing miIIions of miIes.

And, senator...
...can you imagine being abIe
to smeII a fIower on the pIanet Mars?
