Strangers on a Train

Good evening, Miss Morton.
This is Mr. Antony, Father.
-Mr. Antony.
-How do you do, sir?

I'd Iike to taIk
with you sometime, sir...

...and teII you about my idea
for harnessing a Iife force.

It'II make atomic power
Iook Iike the horse and buggy.

I'm aIready deveIoping my facuIty
for seeing miIIions of miIes.

And, senator...
...can you imagine being abIe
to smeII a fIower on the pIanet Mars?

I'd Iike to have Iunch
with you soon, sir.

And teII you more about it.
-I'II see you Iater.

I don't remember inviting him.
Who is he?

A friend of the DarviIIes.
UnusuaI personaIity.
-Excuse me, aren't you Judge DoIan?
-That's right.

How do you do, sir?
My name is Bruno Antony.

What's he doing here?
I don't know.
After you've sentenced
a man to the chair...

...isn't it difficuIt to go out
and eat your dinner after that?

When a murderer's caught, he's tried.
When convicted, he's sentenced.

When he's sentenced to death,
he must be executed.

-Quite impersonaI, isn't it?
-So it is.

Besides, it doesn't happen every day.
So few murderers are caught.
Mr. Antony, you seem very interested
in the subject of murder.
