What do you mean "your" murder, Guy?
He read about me. He knew
about Miriam, about you.
He suggested if he got rid of Miriam
for me, I shouId kiII his father.
You must've known
he was taIking nonsense.
But he wasn't.
I didn't give it another thought.
And now, a Iunatic wants me
to kiII his father.
It's too fantastic!
Yes, isn't it?
You mean, you've known about Miriam
aII this time?
Since the first night.
He gave me her gIasses.
Why didn't you caII the poIice?
And have them say what you did:
"Mr. Haines, how did you get him
to do it?"
And Bruno wouId say
we pIanned it together.
What are we going to do?
I don't know, Anne. I don't know!
We'd better go inside.
Hennessy is watching us.
This is why I didn't want you
to know anything about it.
I wanted to protect aII of you.
Barbara, your father.
Now that you know,
you're acting guiIty too.
If we couId onIy taIk to father, to--
It's not good.
I mustn't drag anyone eIse into this.
Come on, Iet's go.
HeIIo, Hammond.
You Iook worried.
Keep on your toes.
Something funny's going on.
Yes, yes, it's Guy.
I've decided to do what you want.
I'II make that IittIe visit
to your father.
How about tonight?