I remember the house as bigger.
It isn't very big, is it?
It's big enough.
Is there any coffee? Mae must be tired.
On the stove.
Why didn't you come home before?
Why didn't I go to China?
Some things you do,
some things you don't.
The way you wrote,
I thought you'd come back rich.
- Where's it parked?
- What?
The car with the chauffeur
and the rich husband.
There isn't any car. There isn't
any husband, rich, poor, indifferent.
Ain't that what you left town for?
I left town because I...
...left town.
What do you want, Joe, my life's history?
Here it is in four words:
Big ideas, small results.
The guy you wrote Ma
you were gonna marry.
I neglected to write
that he was already married.
Does it sound sordid?
All right, it sounds sordid.
He died, left me some money.
But they took it to court.
His wife, his brothers.
I almost drowned in outraged relatives.
Mae Doyle, 10 years later.
It's your life.
Yes, that's what's so funny.
It's really mine.
Well, do I go or stay?
It's your house too.
You can use Ma's old room.
Mae, I'll help you unpack.
You watch the coffee. Come on.