I neglected to write
that he was already married.
Does it sound sordid?
All right, it sounds sordid.
He died, left me some money.
But they took it to court.
His wife, his brothers.
I almost drowned in outraged relatives.
Mae Doyle, 10 years later.
It's your life.
Yes, that's what's so funny.
It's really mine.
Well, do I go or stay?
It's your house too.
You can use Ma's old room.
Mae, I'll help you unpack.
You watch the coffee. Come on.
Joe said you lived in New York.
For a while.
- I don't think I'd like New York.
- Why?
I don't know. I'd be scared.
Nice. Did you get this in New York?
No, a drug store in Kansas City.
How old are you, Peg?
Twenty, the age of miracles.
- Here's your coffee, Mae.
- Oh, thanks, Joe.
- Do you want anything?
- A Cadillac.
Know what I'd really like?
A trailer.
Just go over the whole country
seeing places.
Where would you bring up the kids,
in the back seat?
Who said I'd have kids?
- You'd have kids.
- Yeah?
- Joe wants me to marry him.
- I gathered that.
But I hate people bossing me.
You marry a fella,
the first thing he does is boss you.
He can be real sweet sometimes.