I lost two bottles.
Rotten kids.
I hope they all get run over.
Dirty little rats.
What are you sitting
with your hat on for?
Crazy old gent sitting
in the house with a hat on.
Not important, hat.
It's what under the hat
that makes you worry.
What you got to worry about?
Son supports you, don't he?
Didn't move any of them checkers
while I was out getting the beer, did you?
Last night, under the bridge...
...they found a little baby,
4 days, 5 days old.
Nobody wants kids.
They clutter up the house.
I told you to close the icebox.
You'll burn the bulb out.
- Where'd all the beer come from?
- Schneider's.
I thought I told you
to stop charging stuff.
- Well, you're rich. You'll never miss it.
- I ain't rich.
A little baby, 4 days, 5 days old.
What's the matter with Papa?
They found a dead baby
under the bridge. He's worried.
People believe in nothing, nothing.
I know, Papa.
It's a sad story.
- My nephew's going out?
- To a movie.
- With who, may I ask?
- Mae Doyle, that's who.
I never married. You know why?
We spoil women in this country.
Too much education,
too much free speech.
Suppose I gotta sit in with the old gent
while you're out spending money?
It's my money, ain't it, Uncle Vince?
Right, throw it in my face.
I live off you.
I didn't mean that, Uncle Vince.
Just say the word.
I'll sleep in the gutter.
Nobody said anything about your sleeping
in the gutter. All I said was...
Was close the icebox door!
Your move, old-timer.