A little baby, 4 days, 5 days old.
What's the matter with Papa?
They found a dead baby
under the bridge. He's worried.
People believe in nothing, nothing.
I know, Papa.
It's a sad story.
- My nephew's going out?
- To a movie.
- With who, may I ask?
- Mae Doyle, that's who.
I never married. You know why?
We spoil women in this country.
Too much education,
too much free speech.
Suppose I gotta sit in with the old gent
while you're out spending money?
It's my money, ain't it, Uncle Vince?
Right, throw it in my face.
I live off you.
I didn't mean that, Uncle Vince.
Just say the word.
I'll sleep in the gutter.
Nobody said anything about your sleeping
in the gutter. All I said was...
Was close the icebox door!
Your move, old-timer.
And I told you a hundred times,
clean up your room. It's filthy.
And take down them dirty pictures
you got hanging up.
- Pictures?
- Them women with no clothes.
Is your son, by any chance,
referring to my art collection?
Art. You better take them down,
that's all.
- Night, Papa.
- Good night.
And you too.
Fine brother-in-law, ignorant man
don't know English, can't read or write.
It's my fault, letting my sister
marry beneath her.
At least she's better off
where she is now.
Come in, the door is open.
- Mae?
- Be ready in a minute.
I bet Joe's glad you're home.
The place looks swell.
I fixed it up a little.
So you're a skipper.
- You own your own boat?
- She's a pretty good boat.
Do you like being a fisherman?