
Where's Calvero?
He told me to wait for him here.

I'll send the call boy
to look for him.

Supper is served.
You're sitting next to Mr. Postant.

Supper is now being served
in both lounges.

Come along, my dear.
You're next to me.

Bodalink, you're down there
my dear fellow.

Destiny must be a headwaitress.
She seats us together again.
She might be your nemesis.
I think I'll stand up
under the punishment.

However, my congratulations.
Tonight you were wonderful.

That's what they call
the old army game.

Neville, they tell me
the army's caught up with you.

You've joined the army?
On the contrary, the army joined me.
I was drafted.

That's awful!
I agree.
It's carrying the war too far.

However, there's the possibility
of joining up here.

Would you like to dance?
I appeal to your patriotism.
You can't refuse a soldier.

Governor, I remember
when you played Widow Twankey

at the Theatre Royal,
Birmingham, in 1890...

Go easy there laddie, go easy.
Let's have a drink.
Calvero, old boy,
how's the world treating you?

Rather aggressively at the moment.
You don't know me.
The fact is most gratifying.
Is that supposed to be funny?
My man, you will never know.
Have a little drink.

Only have it
at the other end of the bar.
